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Tips and considerations if you are thinking about getting into 1st amendment auditing

  1. Constitutional Rights Auditing is not for everyone. This is not meant to discourage you, but taking his step requires a lot more consideration, learning, planning and preparation than just picking up your phone. Ask yourself if you can keep yourself thinking clearly in tense situations. The fact that audits become so stress full so regularly is precisely the reason they need to exist. 
  2. Laws and your rights can vary widely depending on the state and Judicial district. Case law that is settled in some areas does not necessarily carry over to other districts, as odd as this seems, courts in your district must affirm your rights. This is done by citizens Challenging court cases up to the highest levels in the Judiciary. You MUST learn the laws in your area. To protect yourself consult a lawyer that is familiar with civil rights issues. 
  3. Ask yourself again if this is for you. You must learn your rights, and have responses that become second nature to you depending on questions asked. You MUST be confident in your knowledge while ensuring this is not a false confidence. Law enforcement gets practice every day at overcoming you standing up for your rights and they employ a wide range of tactics to do this. They will lie, and cause you to second guess yourself. Whether they do not understand the law, or purposefully distort it, you need to know how to handle these situations.
  4. Any time you deal with law enforcement the first piece of advice should be to say nothing. This is definitely the best option to play it safe, and while there are successful auditors that employ this tactic, it does diminish entertainment value. Be aware that it is advisable to at a minimum assert that you are exercising your right to remain silent, as some courts have maintained that silence alone can allow officers to maintain that they thought something else was wrong as it was not explicit. The main take away is that there is a fine line between staying silent on the substance of what officers are investigating, and discussing the legality of whatever actions the officers are taking, and asserting your rights.
  5. Learn property laws, common statutes you expect to deal with and how to find and read current GIS surveys so you will be prepared. 
  6. Find a lawyer ahead of time that agrees to help you if and when the need arises. If you have been arrested and haven’t done this it is already too late
  7. Set Clear Rules for yourself before you ever start auditing so you can set your limits while you are thinking clearly, and stick to those rules. Decide how far you are willing to take things. Are you willing to be arrested to defend your rights at all costs? Or are you ok with a threat of arrest? Are you going to carry your ID with you?
  8. Are you comfortable auditing where you live? If so be prepared to possibly have encounters with police. when you are just out living your life. 
  9. Learn ways to ensure the videos you take are backed up as they are taken, and protected from deletion. Use more than one camera/device. Ensure you have good quality equipment, including microphones. you need to be confident that all video and audios is safe and clear. Murphy’s law shows that a missed comment during a gust of wind could be what saves your case.
  10. Do you have the means to get yourself bailed out? Can you afford the financial cost? Do you have a friend that will perform audits with you? Or at least someone that will be ready to assist you if things go south? What will happen to your job if you are arrested?
  11. Even if you decide not to get into auditing, the preparation and learning may someday help you be prepared for any encounters.