View New York Police Department OfficersView James Burke History Inside Edition  Wow, Seems like Former New York police chief James Burke was incompetent and crooked. Video Link:
View Melvindale Police Department OfficersView Matthew Furman History The Civil Rights Lawyer  Police have such a lack of accountability that the same city Suspended, Prosecuted, Fired and Convicted Matthew Furman and yet hired him back. How do we let this happen? Video Link:
LackLuster  To think this encounter jumpstarted Lacklusters channel.  The following is Lacklusters description from his video.  — On September 26th, 2019 my neighbor claimed to have a ballistic weapon and that he was gonna kill himself. CSPD arrived on scene and I flagged them down to provide them information. I filmed from my […]
 Video by Accountability For All  This is Sargeant Darrell Gilmore of the Dunstable Police Department in Dunstable, Massachusetts! When I first owned him, I knew there had to be more to this crooked cop! This story is the result of an almost 9-month investigation I conducted into this officer. And what I found […]