Home Forums Utah Cache County Sheriff’s Office Officer Webb

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  • #19118 Reply

    In 2019, Officer Webb was named in a lawsuit by inmate Mr. Rowland, alleging that Webb damaged or destroyed private medical information and legal documents during a cell search without notice or opportunity to be heard, violating due process rights. The court found that Webb was entitled to qualified immunity, shielding him from further litigation in this matter.

    [Return to blog post](https://watchaudits.com/officer-webb-cache-county-sheriffs-office/)

    #26188 Reply

    In February 2019, Officer Webb conducted a cell search during which he damaged or destroyed an inmate’s personal papers, including medical information and legal notes. The inmate claimed this was done without notice or an opportunity to be heard, violating his due process rights. The court determined that the officer’s actions did not violate clearly established constitutional rights, leading to the dismissal of the case.

    [Return to blog post](https://watchaudits.com/officer-webb-cache-county-sheriffs-office-2/)

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