Home Forums Utah Wellington Police Department Rory Bradley

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    Former Police Chief Rory Bradley was terminated in April 2021 following multiple allegations of sexual harassment and assault against a female city employee. Incidents included inappropriate text messages, such as requests for nude photos, and physical actions like placing the employee in a headlock and slapping her buttocks. These actions occurred between September 2019 and December 2020. Bradley was criminally charged with two misdemeanor counts of assault in July 2021. In December 2021, he pleaded guilty to assault and disorderly conduct, receiving a suspended jail sentence and two years of probation. Additionally, Bradley faced charges for misuse of public funds, having falsified grant records to claim overtime pay for unworked shifts, leading to a guilty plea and further probation.

    [Return to blog post](https://watchaudits.com/rory-bradley-wellington-police-department/)

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