Officer Peppers-A Menace To Society?

HonorYourOath Civil Rights Investigations

The following is the description from the youtube video.

This is Officer Justin Peppers of the Jacksonville Florida Sheriff’s Department. You may recall Officer Peppers from two video’s previously released on my HYOCRI YouTube channel. In December of 2022 I published this video titled Shut Your Mouth Mr. Black Man which featured Officer Peppers questionable conduct and troubling use of force against Military Veteran Braxton Smith during a simple traffic stop for window tint. (Play video clip) In September of 2022 I published this video titled Don’t Punch Him Peppers, I’m Recording where a fellow Jacksonville Sheriff’s Officer can be heard pleading with Officer Peppers not to punch a man who was already handcuffed and sitting in the back of a police cruiser. (Play video clip). Now through the light of public records access we can peel back the darkness cast by the shadow of the thin blue line and learn more about Officer Peppers troubling past and the willingness of the Jacksonville Sheriff’s Office to cover it up. Through a public records request I have obtained Officers Peppers Internal Affairs summary. As you can see here Officer Peppers has accumulated 5 pages consisting of 34 complaints from August of 2017 through November of 2022. This internal affairs summary includes investigations into 10 traffic accidents that Officer Peppers has been involved in while on duty as well as multiple complaints from citizens against Officer Peppers for rudeness, conduct unbecoming and excessive force. The list of Internal Affairs Investigations even includes multiple in house complaints from fellow Jacksonville police officers against Officer Peppers. But for now we are going to focus on this complaint where through a public records request I have obtained the body worn camera video specific to this complaint. Listen to Officer Peppers language and ask yourself would you want a loved one a family member or a friend to be stopped by this Cop. Is Officer Peppers a menace to society? You Decide.

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