SAPD officer who challenged prisoner to fight for his freedom fights to got job back

Incident: Matthew Belver developed a reputation for challenging detainees to fights and using excessive force. In a 2009 case, after arresting a DUI suspect, Belver allegedly told the handcuffed man, “if you can kick my a–, I will let you go,” then proceeded to beat the suspect who refused the fight​

. Around that same time, another arrestee reported Belver removed his cuffs and goaded him to “hit me,” then punched and kicked the man when he didn’t comply​

. These incidents left suspects bruised and bloodied​

. An SAPD advisory board recommended indefinite suspension for the 2009 incidents​

. Years later, in August 2015, Belver was caught on his patrol car camera offering to remove a handcuffed detainee’s cuffs to fight him, explicitly threatening, “As soon as they come off, I’m gonna beat your a–”​

. In that 2015 incident, Belver taunted the prisoner (who had merely pointed out evidence at a scene) by saying the man could go free if he won in a fight – even suggesting the man could “kill” him and escape​


Outcome: Despite these egregious actions, Belver has twice been fired and twice reinstated. Following the 2009 cases, he was indefinitely suspended, but in 2010 an arbitrator reduced the penalty to two 30-day suspensions with back pay – allowing Belver to return to duty​

. When Belver was fired again in 2016 for the caught-on-camera 2015 fight challenge and threats, that too was overturned. An arbitrator in 2017 imposed a mere 45-day suspension in place of termination​

. In short, Chief McManus’s attempts to oust Belver were frustrated by arbitration: even after video evidence of Belver saying “I’m going to beat your ass” to a handcuffed suspect, the officer was back in uniform within months​

. (Belver’s pattern of misconduct was essentially reset, as incidents older than two years couldn’t be used against him under contract rules​

.) He remains an officer, illustrating the difficulty of permanently removing problem officers under the current system.

## Officer Forum Links:
– [Officer Matthew Belver](


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